

adjective nov·el \ˈnä-vəl\

: new and different from what has been known before

Full Definition of NOVEL

:  new and not resembling something formerly known or used
:  original or striking especially in conception or style <a novel scheme to collect money>

Origin of NOVEL

Middle English, from Anglo-French, new, from Latin novellus, from diminutive of novus new — more at new
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of NOVEL

new, novel, original, fresh mean having recently come into existence or use. new may apply to what is freshly made and unused <new brick> or has not been known before <new designs> or not experienced before <starts the new job>. novel applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented <a novel approach to the problem>. original applies to what is the first of its kind to exist <a man without one original idea>. fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of newness such as liveliness, energy, brightness <a fresh start>.



: a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events

Full Definition of NOVEL

:  an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events
:  the literary genre consisting of novels
nov·el·is·tic \ˌnä-və-ˈlis-tik\ adjective
nov·el·is·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Origin of NOVEL

Italian novella
First Known Use: 1639

Other Literature Terms

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NOVEL[1] Defined for Kids


adjective nov·el \ˈnä-vəl\

Definition of NOVEL for Kids

:  new and different from what is already known <a novel idea>



Definition of NOVEL for Kids

:  a long story usually about imaginary characters and events


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